Imane Lamrani
Vous êtes les bienvenus!

I am Imane Lamrani, a current Computer Engineering Ph.D. Candidate in Dr. Sandeep Gupta ‘s iMPACT Lab and CIDSE, ASU. Before joining ASU, I received a M.S. in Computer Systems and Software Design from Jacksonville State University. I also obtained a M1 in Intelligent Systems from Faculté des Sciences de Kénitra and a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computer Science from Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Fès.
My research goal is to develop automated rigorous safety verification approaches to evaluate the correct operation of AI-enabled Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) in the field, perform a root-cause analysis, and verify the operational safety of the AI-enabled CPS in the field.
I have been one of the 10 laureate U.S doctoral students chosen to participate in the French-American Doctoral Exchange Seminar (FADEx) 2016-CPS.
I have good expertise in CPS system modeling and analysis. My experience includes an internship at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where I had the chance to work on the Artificial Pancreas.
Research Interests
AI-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems, Machine Learning, Formal Safety Verification, Model Mining, Safe Autonomous Systems.
Additional Information
You can find additional information at:
News Articles (page 25)
U.S. Patent Applications
”Systems and Methods for Hybrid Automata Mining From Input-Output Traces of Cyber-Physical Systems”.
Office: 699 South Mill Avenue Brickyard Suite 517AA Tempe AZ 85281, U.S.
Email: [email protected]
If you have a project idea, or would like to collaborate on my existing work, send me an email : ilamrani at asu dot edu